The Creative Visualization Process and The Let’s Be Whole Show
I am part of a group coaching program that regularly does “Innercise” challenges.
Last year, during one of these challenges, I had a vision pop up in my mind. The experience was so powerful that I decided to make a mini vision board. The board represented a deep desire for key achievements.
- A connection to my indigenous roots.
- An exploration of alternative modalities of wellness.
- Global travel.
- The use of my God given talents and experience in media production.
Almost immediately afther the exercise, I felt a tinge of fear it was as if a part of me felt like the vision was too big. That is always the AHA moment! I’m glad to say, that I felt the fear and did what I had to do decided to take advantage of the opportunities as they presented themselves. Because I said YES to the vision, I have had the opportunity to produce a local T.V. show. My friend Nina Womack and I have been very busy co-producing the first episodes of Let’s Be Whole, a holistic lifestyle show that features amazing people from all over the world.
We have learned so much and still have so far to go on our journey of sharing the ways of lightworkers and wellness practitioners! This is our official promo trailer and we look forward to bringing you the best in holistic lifestyle entertainment.