Move it MONDAY!!!
Last week was pretty busy. Getting the kids ready for school, keeping the house in order and working kept me from posting as much as I’d like. This morning, I woke up excited to write but came up blank. Writers block? How could that be? I have a hundred thoughts before I even open my eyes every morning! I decided to have a little chat with God/Source/Self.
I vowed not force myself to share anything, that wasn’t truly inspired. This is what came up…
Several years ago, a friend and I wanted to lose weight. We placed a wager to see who could lose the most and had our husbands put money into a pot. It was a win/win situation for all. We’d lose weight, the guys would have fit/confidant wives and the money would be spent on a wardrobe to accommodate our new sizes.
We had a blast. Coming up with new recipes and workouts was fun but the most amazing workout was PRAYER WALKING. We would meet in areas with the steepest hills and push our strollers for 45 minutes. We’d always start by thanking God for the basics, like the fact that we could walk, breathe and function. We began to speak words of kindness and love over our bodies and find things that we really liked about ourselves. Quickly we moved beyond the physical and into areas of personal growth. We thanked God in advance for all the amazing successes we were having in our finances, relationship with ourselves and others. It was a glorious time, we both lost a tremendous amount of weight and gained insight, faith and gratitude.
Many things have changed since then but I still love walking and have decided that I need to put together a meet-up. Weather I call it PRAYER WALKING or DREAM DIALOGING will not matter. The principal will be the same.; a group of people dedicating to physically, mentally and emotionally MOVING past excuses and living life to the full. The combination of moving, speaking positivity and commitment is unbelievably powerful. When we are connected mind/body and spirit, there is NOTHING we cannot manifest. Don’t get caught up in what “Praying” means. When you pour your heart out, in thanksgiving and faith that you have already received what you need, you are in prayer. Don’t get caught up in the concept of or the word for God. I’ve done this walk with people of many faiths, walks of life and physical condition, all with great results. If you commit, you will reap results. Guaranteed. PLEASE this theory to the test.
So, grab a friend, set a goal and get MOVIN!!!!
You can listen to this post here: