Living on Purpose and Pursuing Your Passion
We don’t always know what our purpose is but when we do, and pursue it with passion… magic happens.
This video was inspired by an email I opened last week. A successful entrepreneur shared her experience with one of her mentors. A trusted mentor was advising her against pursuing a path she felt strongly connected to. She had to make a decision. Would she take the advice and pursue another avenue or would she stick to her gut instinct and pursue her purpose with passion? Watch the video to find out.
The difference between purpose and passion.
Purpose and passion are concepts that are often spoken about together but are actually slightly different. Passion is the emotional fuel that gets you through your day to-day. Your feelings drive your passion.
Your purpose is the why behind it all and the reason for your existence. Sometimes it takes a while to discover your purpose but when you do, it’s easy to become passionate about what you do daily to live out your purpose.
A purpose is why some people can go to a job that they do not neccessarily feel is their life calling, but understand that it fulfills a need. Maybe that job provides the means to being able to live out life’s purpose. For this scenario, I recommend regularly counting emotional of costs.
If you are miserable at your job, or in life, it is a wake up call for you to start hunting for what sets your soul on fire.
My two cents…
I believe that we all have special gifts and talents and that it is up to us to find and use them. I don’t know if I could be as happy as I am if I didn’t practice living on purpose and with passion every day.
Standing up for your inner voice can be scary but it can also lead to the most rewarding life ever.