How to Change Your Life in 30 Days & Become a Manifesting Machine
I am often asked questions about manifesting or co-creating an awesome life so I felt compelled to write this post and make this video.
In order to change your life in 30 days, you must know how to change your vibration. High emotional vibrations such as love, gratitude, and laughter, create a perfect environment for manifesting dreams and goals. Writing down positive affirmations (SPECIFICALLY, LOVE affirmations) is one of many effective tools in radically changing your vibration and allowing you to become a manifesting machine!
Why Focus on Love?
Love is the highest vibe we can achieve. Think about this. It is said that God is love. Therefore, when you are in the LOVE vibe you are in sync with the creator. When you are in the LOVE vibe you are in a vibe to not only create for your own good but for the greater good of all.
If you want to learn more about ways to use writing or affirmations as a way of moving adelante (forward) on your success mindset journey, check out a few of my favorite posts.
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See this exercise in action.
My friend Norma was inspired to take this exercise to the next level!
If you want to learn more about working with me, check out my coaching page. Life Coaching For Locas.
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