Facebook Timeline
Facebook makes changes that we don’t always like but this is a pretty cool feature. At anytime, you can go back into your own history and see the events, photos and status updates that highlighted the month or year. I chose the above status’ from 2010 and 2011. Nice to reflect on what I was thinking and how people responded.
1) In Nov 2010. My family and I took our traditional road trip to Vegas. On the way home, we drove by a wall vandalized with racial slurs. I found myself having to explain discrimination/intolerance and ISMs to my inquisitive nine year old daughter. People will randomly ask my children “what they are.” I’ve always told them they can choose to answer or not. I personally love sharing where I come from and who I am but I don’t need a box. We are ALL human.
2) I have at times, put pressure on myself by creating unrealistic, unnecessary paradigms of perfection. I’ve done this in many areas in my life and THIS day was breakthrough for me. My kids LOVE breakfast for dinner. Why my mind would conjure up the idea that breakfast for dinner was substandard mothering was amazing insight into the areas of my subconscious that still want me to be a slave. Whether I call the voice Divine consciousness or self awareness… Freedom is work. And it’s awesome.
3) My kids. Always a source of inspiration.