That is not to say I am not a consumer of media, it’s just that I watch very specific things. Mostly, I listen. I usually will play something on my phone while I drive, or walk, or drift off to sleep.
I’m on Youtube, Netflix and Hulu sometimes to laugh, sometimes to cry but mostly to find ways to train my brain to experience the best possible life. I’ve been blessed beyond belief and I love to share my blessings. You can use social media to CHANGE your life. If life is awesome… USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO CHANGE THE LIVES OF OTHERS! Here are 5 discoveries I made that I wanted to share. Have a watch or a listen. I highly recommend creating a playlist of your own of clips that inspire you
The Alchemist – By Paulo Coelho
The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn
As a Man Thinketh – AudioBook (Law of attraction)
The Science of Getting Rich
The Secret Movie by Rhonda Byrne. I purchased this movie, so you may not be able to watch it unless you also buy it. I love this film and have watched it many times. So for me, it has been well worth the $9.99!